Production of stereo-vario images on lenticular plastic
A stereo is an image that conveys the volume of a scene or object. The volume effect is obtained by viewing through the lens system of the encoded image (see the picture on the left). The lens system is a transparent material (plastic or glass) on the front side having longitudinal convexes (lenses) for changing the viewing angle of the image. The image is necessarily encoded and can contain from 2 to 36 frames simultaneously. It is applied by UV printing or otherwise on the rear smooth surface of the lens system.
Thus, when you change the viewing angle of the image, you see only one frame of all the encoded ones. The encoding is a rather complex and capacious process, therefore, together with the cost of lenses and imaging, the price of such products is quite high. But the effectiveness of the use of "live" images in any spheres pays for the costs.
Vario are images on which information is changing. Vario images are divided into several categories:
1. Simple Vario is when one image is replaced by another
2. Animation sequence of frames (fragment of the movie)
3. Morphing (smooth transformation of one image into another with gradual flow of the form of one object to another)
4. Zoom (reduction, magnification of objects)
5. Rotation (circular rotation of objects or color fills around its axis)
6. 3D Wide stereo.
Combined images are, for example, alternating between two stereo images or when a vario or animated element is added to the stereo image.
In general, the encoding of images is quite large and depends on the client's imagination, the correct formulation of the task for the development of the plot and the results of working together with the designer.